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Ready to explore your capabilities and the possibilities for your business?


Ready to join an accountable community of action-driven women who get it done?


Ready to increase income in your business and/or monetize your passions?


Ready for a support system that will help you reach higher levels of success?


Desiring to ensure your spirit, soul and business are aligned?

ARE YOU.....

Let's partner in purpose!

My commitment



Every goal…conquered. 

Every dream…fulfilled. 


Your purpose...completely unveiled and put into action.

Let’s partner and make it reality through purposeFull coaching!

As your partner in purpose, I am committed to empower you and your business to reach your next level of success. I will help you develop strategies, apply accountability, and provide resources that are uniquely tailored to your business and life needs. I cannot make the journey for you but I am fully invested in supporting you as you fully align your spirit, soul and business.​



Coaching Program

Tameeka has always been a consistent supporter of my personal and ministerial pursuits. When Day of Birth was founded 9 years ago, she helped bring it to life with her creative brilliance behind the scenes. She has a great attention to detail. She’s a great person to bounce ideas off of and has a wealth of resources at her fingertips. She provided accountability to ensure that I did not lose sight of the vision and purpose God has placed in my hands.

- Jessica Bass,

  • A private 30-minute Purpose Call with me to assess your goals for the month and develop a strategy to execute them

  • A Purpose Check Up (a follow up communication to ensure that you are meeting your goals)

  • A Monthly Community Call - featuring myself and other invited guests discussing topics chosen by our community which focus on your spirit, soul and/or business

  •   A Purpose Point - an email that will provide resources, encouragement, ideas, etc. 

  • Private Members-Only community - for support, advice and accountability

  • Access to personal support from me - through open office hours

  •  Discounted rates for any events sponsored by me

What's included?

  • What Is The Dumbest Way You’ve Been Injured?
    I had the bright idea to race my children, while wearing a flowy romper. I was winning (because I don’t let my kids win easily lol); then, my knee got caught in the fabric. Mommy down! Almost passed out, busted knee and down for the count for 3 days! lol
  • What’s Something I Would Never Guess About You?
    I’m SUPER clumsy.
  • What Is Your Spirit Animal, And Why?"
    I was thinking of a monkey but I just tried a test and it says turtle! I can get with that… they’re peaceful, calm and they always win the race :)
  • If Everything In Your House Had To Be One Color What Color Would You Choose?
    Black - my absolute favorite color. It’s so clean and mysterious. More than likely if you see me, that’s what I’ll be wearing.
  • Would You Rather Have To Permanently Give Up Salts Or Sweets?
    That’s easy. Salt… I can’t live without chocolate.
  • What travel destinations are on your travel bucket list?
    Australia, Paris, Philippines, Maldives… the ultimate goal is a world cruise!
  • Would you say you’re more of an extrovert or an introvert?
    Definitely an introvert! (Most people are surprised by that but it’s very true!)
  • If you had a family business, what would it be?"
    I’m pretty sure we could be a touring comedy show lol But real estate would be the other option… $$$
  • What is your definition of success?
  • If you could do anything, besides what you're doing now, what would you do?"
    Be a travel blogger… that would be so cool!
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