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Welcome to my online home! I’m so glad to have you here… kick your feet up and make yourself comfy while I tell you a bit about myself.

Well it all started way back in.....

Ha! I won’t bore you with my life story. In short, I’m a wife, mom, daughter, sister, self-proclaimed amateur FBI, sister-friend, college graduate, author, certified coach and speaker. But first and most importantly - I’m a WOMAN! A powerful woman. A stealthy woman. A practical woman. A creative woman. A courageous woman. An intentional woman. A loving woman. An evolving woman. A divinely feminine woman. A purposeFULL woman. 


Why is that significant? Because I stopped defining my life by my roles in April 2011, after I attended a getaway that shifted my mindset, my relationships with women and changed my life! See… up until that point, I didn’t want female friends. “Females are messy. All they do is gossip and they’re insecure.” All of my preconceived notions had withered beneath the nourishment of authentic female relationships that I observed and experienced. I saw women inspiring, applauding and promoting one another. In that moment, I learned how closely linked sisterhood is to success.


From this experience, I began Soul Sisters, inspiring women to embrace their femininity and who they are outside of their roles. This group evolved into PurposeFull Life as many began to pursue their passions and purpose. Amidst this evolution, I too expanded into coaching and starting multiple businesses.


Starting my own business took a huge leap of faith. Few could truly understand what it was like to leave a comfy corporate position to jump into the dark, pursuing your purpose - alone. I was shocked that there were hardly any female entrepreneurs freely sharing their experiences, resources or “know-how.“ Almost everything seemed to be a secret, leaving newbie entrepreneurs to figure it all out on our own. I wasn’t prepared for the toll that building a business would take on my physical health and mental well-being. How was I to maintain a delicate balance of relationships with my family, friends, and ever-expanding network of clients? I couldn’t see how else to take care of my clients and family other than to neglect my own self-care and soul health.  As a Christian, how was I to successfully balance faith and business? So many questions and there was no blueprint! So I created my own path - and there were a lot of trials and errors along the way; but I committed to share my victories and lessons with other women to support them in achieving their entrepreneurial goals.


To put it simply, I am a woman that thrives on helping men and women succeed. My ultimate joy is to see you live out your purpose!

  • What Is The Dumbest Way You’ve Been Injured?
    I had the bright idea to race my children, while wearing a flowy romper. I was winning (because I don’t let my kids win easily lol); then, my knee got caught in the fabric. Mommy down! Almost passed out, busted knee and down for the count for 3 days! lol
  • What’s Something I Would Never Guess About You?
    I’m SUPER clumsy.
  • What Is Your Spirit Animal, And Why?"
    I was thinking of a monkey but I just tried a test and it says turtle! I can get with that… they’re peaceful, calm and they always win the race :)
  • If Everything In Your House Had To Be One Color What Color Would You Choose?
    Black - my absolute favorite color. It’s so clean and mysterious. More than likely if you see me, that’s what I’ll be wearing.
  • Would You Rather Have To Permanently Give Up Salts Or Sweets?
    That’s easy. Salt… I can’t live without chocolate.
  • What travel destinations are on your travel bucket list?
    Australia, Paris, Philippines, Maldives… the ultimate goal is a world cruise!
  • Would you say you’re more of an extrovert or an introvert?
    Definitely an introvert! (Most people are surprised by that but it’s very true!)
  • If you had a family business, what would it be?"
    I’m pretty sure we could be a touring comedy show lol But real estate would be the other option… $$$
  • What is your definition of success?
  • If you could do anything, besides what you're doing now, what would you do?"
    Be a travel blogger… that would be so cool!
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Tameeka Densmore Nelson is an entrepreneur, author, coach and voice of healing to many. From a young age, she has felt a calling to serve others and inspire them to reach their fullest potential. This has manifested into a self-published book, Rest.Stop: On the Go “Refreshments” for Your Life’s Journey and PurposeFull Enterprises LLC, which houses multiple businesses including administrative services, speaker/artist booking agency, her consultation business, along with her website - Her ultimate joy is to see people live out the divine plan for their lives. 


As a speaker, she combines knowledge and life experience along with her candor, humor and girl-next-door personality to propel listeners into their next level of knowledge and freedom. With considerable success in the marketplace, she hosts annual events to elevate the spirit, soul and business of entrepreneurs, business owners and creatives. In addition to PurposeFull Enterprises LLC, she is the co-owner of Agent Help Desk, a virtual administrative solutions company for real estate agents and is also a certified coach, trainer and speaker with The John Maxwell Team. Although she is a college graduate, she is never finished learning and is currently enrolled in university to expand her horizons into the field of therapy.


Tameeka is blessed to share in life and love with her husband, best friend and purpose partner, Terrence Nelson and is mother to their beautiful children. She continually stands upon God’s promise to her, as He did Abraham in Genesis 2:12, “... I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing.” Indeed, she is a blessing to the world.

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